Income Disclosure

Income Disclosure Statement for

Effective Date: 22/8/23

The income figures and examples provided in this Income Disclosure Statement are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered guarantees or representations of potential earnings. Your actual earnings may vary depending on a variety of factors, including your level of effort, skills, market conditions, and the strategies you employ.

Earnings Disclaimer:

1.1. No Guarantees: Any statements or representations regarding potential earnings, income, or financial outcomes are not guarantees of future results. Earning potential is subject to various factors that are beyond our control.

1.2. Assumptions: The income examples provided are based on hypothetical situations and do not reflect actual results. They are provided to demonstrate potential outcomes under certain conditions.

Testimonials and Success Stories:

2.1. Individual Experiences: Any testimonials, success stories, or case studies featured on our website or materials are individual experiences and should not be considered as typical or average results.

2.2. Exceptional Results: Some individuals may achieve exceptional results due to their unique circumstances, efforts, and skills. These results are not necessarily indicative of what you or others may achieve.

Investment and Effort:

3.1. Required Effort: Achieving success in any endeavor, including but not limited to online marketing and digital products, requires significant effort, dedication, and consistent action.

3.2. Risk Factors: All business ventures involve risks, and there is no guarantee of success. It is possible to incur losses as well as profits.

Professional Advice:

4.1. Consultation: Before making any business decisions, it is recommended that you seek advice from qualified professionals, including legal, financial, and marketing experts.

Forward-Looking Statements:

5.1. Forward-Looking Statements: Any statements regarding future business performance, earnings, or outcomes are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated.

Your Responsibility:

6.1. Your Due Diligence: It is your responsibility to conduct thorough due diligence and make informed decisions based on accurate information and realistic expectations.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns related to this Income Disclosure Statement, please contact us at